The University of
West Alabama is located on U.S. Highway 11 in Livingston, Alabama.
It is 116 miles southwest of Birmingham, 130 miles west of Montgomery,
and 37 miles east of Meridian, Mississippi.
north/east (from Mississippi Area) on I-59/I-20, take the AL-28 exit, exit
#17 (Livingston/Boyd). Turn right onto AL-28. Turn
Right onto U.S. Highway 11 (first traffic signal). To locate a specific building
on the UWA campus, use the
Interactive Campus Map. |
south/west (from Tuscaloosa area) on I-59/I-20, take the AL-28 exit, exit
#17 (Livingston/Boyd). Turn left onto AL-28. Turn
Right onto U.S. Highway 11(first traffic signal). To locate a specific building
on the UWA campus, use the
Interactive Campus Map |
West on
US-80, turn right onto AL-28 (Livingston). Turn right onto
U.S. Highway 11. To locate a specific building on the
UWA campus, use the
Interactive Campus Map |
North on
AL-17, turn right onto U.S. Highway 11. To locate a
specific building on the UWA campus, use the
Interactive Campus Map. |
North on
AL-43, turn left onto AL-28 in Linden. Turn left onto
US-80. Turn right onto AL-28. Turn right onto U.S.
Highway 11. To locate a specific building on the UWA
campus, use the UWA
Interactive Campus Map |